How To Organize Tupperware and Food Storage containers
Kathryn Makatche Kathryn Makatche

How To Organize Tupperware and Food Storage containers

Here are the best ways to organize your food storage containers and Tupperware. Deciding whether to store containers with lids on or lids off is a good place to start in determining the best way for you to organize all those containers!

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How To Organize Your Home Once And For All - Part 3
Kathryn Makatche Kathryn Makatche

How To Organize Your Home Once And For All - Part 3

Maintenance is the foundation to an organized home. In the same way we cannot simply clean our bathroom once and expect it to stay clean forever, we cannot organize our homes and it expect it to stay that way without any work. Organization systems allow maintenance to be smooth and easy so that keeping your home tidy is not a monumental effort. A bit of time daily, weekly, and seasonally will ensure your organized home stays that way!

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How to organize your home once and for all - Part 2
Kathryn Makatche Kathryn Makatche

How to organize your home once and for all - Part 2

If an item does not have a home - it is automatically clutter! Without a home, how can it ever be put away? Without a designated home for your items, cleaning up will always feel difficult and draining. The truth is, designating a home for every item does not need to be difficult if you break it down into four basic steps.

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How to Organize Your Home Once and For All - Part 1
Kathryn Makatche Kathryn Makatche

How to Organize Your Home Once and For All - Part 1

An organized home can always feel just one drawer, one pile, one closet away. Why does it never feel like you've achieved it? I’m sure you’ve spent time organizing an area only to find that a few weeks later it is back to a disorganized state and you need to reorganize it. You don’t have time in your life to continue this cycle! One of the most common missteps is starting at the wrong place.

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