How To Organize Tupperware and Food Storage containers

How to organize Tupperware and food storage containers

Lids on or lids off? Well, the answer is … it depends! It really depends on so many things and I’ll ask my clients a few questions to help tease out what would be the most functional way for them to store their Tupperware and food storage containers.

Here are the three main questions to ask yourself:

  1. How often do you use them?

  2. Do you have 2-3 standard types/sizes or do you have a bunch of different ones?

  3. How much space do we have to dedicate to storing these?

The most important is whether you have a ton of different sizes and types of food storage containers or if you 2-3 standard types/sizes.

Food storage containers organized with their lids on

Store with Lids ON

This is definitely best if you have a variety of sizes and types of tupperware or food storage containers. Storing lids and bottoms separately in this situation means that every time you need to grab a food storage container you need to look through all the lids to find the match. It is just not efficient.

Store with Lids Off

This works best with you have 2-3 standard types and sizes of tupperware or food storage containers.

If you store the lids separately you definitely need to container the lids somehow. You can use a bin, a plate divider, or a specialized organizer.

If This, Then That

Overall, there can be a lot of “if this, then that” in deciding the best method. Part of my job as an professional home organizer is to help direct these decisions as I know the questions to ask and the best solution based on your answer.

If you don’t use your food storage containers often, then that means we can mainly focus on how much space you want to dedicate to storing them and then decide which solution is best. If you use your food storage containers very often, then we need to take a look at the variety of container sizes as well as the space you have to store them.

The amount of space you have for storing Tupperware can also dictate the method that you go with. It may also mean that you need to downsize your collection or invest in 2-3 standard sizes that can nestle and take up less space.

As with anything in creating organization systems, a solution that is unique to your needs and tendencies will always be the most effective!

Learn how to organize your tupperware and food storage containers

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